Engaging People with Disabilities Experiment
TryTank is launching a New Experiment for Engaging People with Disabilities in our Churches.
On average, ten percent of a community’s population is made up of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. At the same time, these are also some of the most unchurched people in America. TryTank is launching a new experiment creating a cohort of churches to work together to engage this population applying a proven method used by our partner in this experiment. We are currently looking for partner congregations.
On average, ten percent of a community’s population is made up of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. At the same time, these are also some of the most unchurched people in America. TryTank is launching a new experiment creating a cohort of churches to work together to engage this population applying a proven method used by our partner in this experiment. We are currently looking for partner congregations.
This is the information session recording...
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FourSquare: https://issuu.com/99balloons/docs/four-square-curriculum_2021-22_fnl_spreads
Curious why we capitalize the "E" in rEcess? Watch this video from our founders about their amazing son, Eliot. Why 99 Balloons?
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Here is our "rEcess is" promo video: rEcess is
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Here is our curriculum for this upcoming year! rEcess:
FourSquare: https://issuu.com/99balloons/docs/four-square-curriculum_2021-22_fnl_spreads
Curious why we capitalize the "E" in rEcess? Watch this video from our founders about their amazing son, Eliot. Why 99 Balloons?